Wisdom Wednesday

Why are our to-do lists so long? Why do we complicate a simple process of keeping our lives tidy by not putting things away? Why does society value people that are running hard in the rat race....so hard in fact that they end up burning themselves o…

Why are our to-do lists so long? Why do we complicate a simple process of keeping our lives tidy by not putting things away? Why does society value people that are running hard in the rat race....so hard in fact that they end up burning themselves out? It is because people have forgotten the art of being...just being in the world. We are so afraid of silence that we fill our world with background noise like tv, podcasts, and music so that we never have time to be alone with ourselves. This allows us to walk threw life without having to reflect because we don't have time to or we drown out our own thoughts. How are you going to check if you are on the right path if you

This week try to find something in your life that you can make easier. Maybe its trying to meal prep this weekend so you only have to clean up your kitchen once. Perhaps its having a family meeting and implementing a chore chart. Personally, my favorite thing that simplified my life was a gift from my in-laws for Christmas which was a robotic vacuum from Samsung (powerbot R9000 to be specific). With a golden retriever I was spending at least 15 minutes every other day vacuuming. Do you realize that with this one simple change I was saving myself about 45 minutes a week. You may think that isn't much time but that is almost 42 hours a year that I don't have to spend on vacuuming. What could you try to implement this week? Feel free to leave a comment and don't forget to do the math of how much time you have saved in a week and in a year. Next step....find something that bring you joy and just an idea that thing that could bring you joy could be just BEING and doing nothing.