My Family

Portraits by Alante Photography and Button Photography



Amazing husband


Hi. I am Juliauna

We all want to be happy. When we look back at our lives we want to say that we lived a happy life. I find that my life was filled with things that brought me down and was standing in the way of my happiness and I finally decided enough was enough.

Join me on my journey to live a happy life by using tools that will promote what I love and minimize the things that add stress. I have been on my living simply journey for 4 years now and am working on it every day.

I am married to my high school sweetheart who supports me and is also on the same journey to find happiness with the tools that he has. My sweet baby girl Adaline is now a year old and is such a joy filled kid. We have our oldest kid, a golden retriever named Stoick who loves to play and cuddle. I love Disney, psychology, coloring, and spending time with those I love. I hate cleaning, stressing over clutter, and cooking. I am religious and I want to live a good life that not only includes happiness but brining positivity to those around me.  

I love finding hacks to life that will take out the things I hate doing and I hope that you find some of these thoughts and tips helpful to allow you more time to go find your happiness. 


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